Acai Berry Juice Benefit - Can Acai Juice Promote Good Cardio & Digestive Health?
Acai Berry Juice Benefit - Can Acai Juice Promote Good Cardio & Digestive Health? The most highly effective health-enhancing fruit juice you can buy among modern natural health products is juice from the Açaí berry, a small mega-vitamin and mineral food. Harvested from acai palm trees in the lush, verdant Amazon Rainforests of Brazil, this amazingly beneficial berry is actually 90% seed and 10% pulp, yet Amazon acai—in juice and other forms—is the number one super food you can purchase. Actually, with the highest levels of vital nutrients among today’s available fruits, acai berries and acai fruit juice from the Amazon contain ten times more antioxidants than grapes and twice the number in blueberries. The amount of anthocyanins (purple antioxidants) contained in a glass of red wine is 10–30 times less than the amount found in a moderate serving of acai berries or acai berry fruit juice. A uniquely tropical taste and total body energizing effect are characteristic of Amazon a